Monday 1 September 2014



Dah lama aq x mgupdate blog ni, buzy kateko haha.. 2 bulan brlalu, mcm2 bnda y aq lalui.. Meh sini aq critakan sikit tntng ap y aq lalui spnjng 2 bulan dnegeri org.

Tepat 9.30 pg bertarikh 28/8/2014... Aq mnjejakkn kki ke KOLEJ TEKNOLOGI ALPHA, SEREMBAN2. Serius first time aq ksana mmg aq x selesa, bukannya sbb ap! Sbb aq x kenal sesapa pun dkt sana. Tp nsib baiklah kwalan mjlis pndaftaran dia tu teratur n aq skeluarga amat salut kt pngurusannya haha.. Akak senior bw aq g tmpat dftar mnkala family aq plak dibawanya ketmpat makan. Dlm keadaan y kurang sihat tu aq ikut ajelah akak senior tu. Lepas siap semua urusan, senior lain pula y dtugaskan mnunjukkan bilik pd aq, dgn prasaan brdebar-debarnya aq cuma ikut je. Dh la first time tnggal jauh dr keluarga haishh. And than i meet my new friend. 
Ummi! Achot! Huda Pd! Huda Pahang! Ani! Sufi! Nabila! Rafidah! Sim yee! Morgana! Mangis! Tuga! Shima! Zura! N sorang ag aq lupa lak spa nme dia haha

Hari2 aq brlalu dgn okeynya haha.. After that i meet other friend in my class, from Sabah, Terengganu, Kelantan, Kedah, Johor, Penang, Pahang, Perak!! Mula2 mmg kekok tp lelama keserasian tu dh mula ad.
Cc : Yang, Nana, Mieza, Ateh, Yanie, Nurul, Laili, Geetha, Nisha, Priya, Shima, Ika, Erna, Bainun, Reen, Bob, Sufi, Anisah, Azri, Mat, Hafiz, Sya, Rian, Atikah, Azim, Fatin, Tam n Faz

First concert!!! Lepas brbincang nama kmpulan kami ditukar drpd nama smentara yellow1 kpd STRAGENT! Gabungan antara Strategi n Intelligent. Kami dimnta mmbuat coral speaking dgn tema insightful. Bohong klu kata x ad prbalahan mulut antara ahli kmpulan untuk mlkukan prbincngan. Bersama mentor kami Sis Miey n Rudy. Kmi pilih gaya robot!! Hahaha funny kan bila coral speaking berkawad. Its oke its oraight! After latihan dmi latihan kmi dimnta present dpn ayah dulu sblum brtnding sbb nnti klu ad ap2 msalah atau whatever dia akan bntu. Masa present tu ayah kata oke, tp bila kita org tnjuk our logo.. Terus dia kata REJECT!!! Tp lpas berusaha. So far so good, so close i dont know.. Tibalah masa prtndingan, serius nervous gila, tp kita org yakin n happy2 je... Time tu suara mmg kluar abis2, kmi nk biar dewan tu brgegar sbb kami haha.. Saingan pun hebat2 belaka!! X tau sapa boleh jd juara. Tp kputusan mmg x dijangka oleh kami, semua hadiah kami bolot!
√ Best multimedia & power point
√ Energitic group name
√ Winner

Second concert, drama... Masa drama ni kmi kena berpecah. Walaupun kmi brpecah tp kmi ttp bawa nma STRAGENT tu kmana-mana sja. Masa drama tu pulak la aq jumpa kwn baru ag.
# Nana, Nani, Dayang, Sya, Ain #
Kami dpt nukilan drpd

Masa prtndingan tu kami do the best, tp nasib x mnyebelahi kami, apapun aq dpt best actor dlm group ni haha

Third concert, sbnarnya concert k3 ni x berapa formal sngat sbb, dia x de pksaan. Sapa nk masuk boleh msuk n spa x nak masuk pun x pe. Aq masuk ibi idol tp x lepas masa audition, haha nervous nyanyi dpn S. Atan barangkali. Tp kwn aq wakil untuk narative speech n dia dpt first place!!! Congrate Tika!! Thats mean she give some point to our group stragent!

Last concert!! Dikir barat!! Many of us waiting for this concert, because that is something different from other concert. But if this concert appear mean that our intensive will be end, but nevermain!! My group name is STRASIAST! Combination of two group Stragent n Dreopthusiast!! Like usually we will fight on our colour 'yellow'. We dont have a time to practice much because something happen n our mentor have a exam during the practice time. Lucky that we have friend from Terengganu n he have a experience in dikir barat. So he teach. After practice n practice, the day come out!! Our competition day appear.. We do the best n success again!! We got number one!!! That mean we have to be vice for yellow to fight with green, blue n red

Final day!! Dikir barat final competition...  Blue, red, green n yellow will fight who to be a champion. The competition is begin. Every group do very well n i feel very down that time.. Just one my mind is, we will lost.. Because we just practice that new dikir in one night n just straight to final!! Omg.. Are u crazy?? But that the true. Went our turn my hand so cool, i ask help from my fried to warm my hand back. I realease my self n thing positive, and move on. We just do the best n enjoy with our performence. I thing i ever heard about ' if we enjoy with what we do people also will enjoy it even we do a lot of mistake'. 
N the result is!! The viewers like our performence n enjoy it. We got no2 lost to blue.. But never mind we enjoy with our performence.

The end of that competition is the sign that of ibi will be end to. After the competition, many of our member back to their hometown because they want to settle down for the U.

Friends!! Remember me haa.. Where ever u are! Dont forget that we always on your back even thought we not near with u. Our moment that we create in 2 month in here very speacial. I will not forget about it, cause it will be speacial moment in my life. Thanks to Mr Bakare Kazeem cause u always be our back bone in this collage, u always advice we i we lost.
'Sir u confusing me!!'
I will miss that word! Cause sir u always me we confuse.. Your word will always in our mind. Thank u sir, miss u

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